Posts in Lifestyle
A Powerful Life-Lesson I Learned From My Dad

So last night, I was reminiscing with my fiancé Freddie, about some of my favorite memories growing up. There was one specific story that stood out which taught me an essential life-lesson that I still carry with me today.

Ever since I can remember, my dad has been a remarkable role model & defined “lead by example” for me. I thought it would be cool to share this story. You never know who might need to read it!

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Cyber Monday Steals

Black Friday has come and gone but my favorite day of the year has finally arrived - Cyber Monday! Online shopping in my jammies with a cafe latte? Now we’re talking! This day is my jam. 

I’ve gathered some of my favorite Cyber Monday steals and will share my must-have picks below. Happy shopping!

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Books to Read This Fall

I love the transition from summer to fall. I feel there is a special stillness that always centers me and allows me to get back on track after a hectic summer. With an ever-chaotic social media filled world, I find it to be wildly therapeutic to unplug and dive into a great read - especially during the fall! It’s such a transitional period, leading into the new year.

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How to Beat the Common Cold

“I love getting sick!”

…Said no one ever.

Last week, I woke up with every intent to finish unpacking since we just moved back to Studio City. However, my body had other plans. Upon opening my eyes, I couldn’t stop sneezing. I instantly felt a tender, sore throat, runny nose that needed immediate tissue attention and an overall feeling of fatigue. “Damn,” I thought. I had just become victim to the common cold.

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Tabit Talk with Elaine Rau

Earlier this summer, I had the good fortune of connecting with a powerhouse boss babe, Elaine Rau through Instagram. I was instantly drawn to her enthusiasm for helping other women crush their blogging businesses.

So yeah, she’s cool.

Upon getting to know her, I was blown away by her compelling story. She lost her job, her home and her brother-in-law all in one week. Determined to get her life back, she created and launched, attracting a fiercely loyal audience of 170,000 followers in under three years.

So yeah, she’s a total badass.

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LifestyleAlyssa TabitComment
Life Update: Spotlight Series, Moving Day, Upcoming Projects

Can you believe that the first official day of fall is a little under a month away?? Before we know it Halloween (my fav), My niece’s FIRST birthday, Thanksgiving and the holidays will be here! Time is flying!

If' you’ve been following along on Instagram, you’ll know that it is that lovely time again - MOVING DAY! I know, I know, Freddie and I move…a lot. But there is usually a good reason as to why we are. Anytime we try to get out of the city, it always calls us back and with that being said, we are heading back to our roots; Studio City.

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Instagram is Hiding Likes: Here's Everything You Need to Know

By now, you may have heard about or noticed (if you’re in one of the testing countries) that your likes are disappearing on Instagram.

In May 2019, Instagram started testing a new feature in Canada that hides public likes and video view counts on all photos and video posts. A few weeks ago, Instagram expanded the test to other countries including: Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand.

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I Detoxed from Social Media for 72 Hours - Here's What Happened

A few weeks before Freddie and I ventured off on our summer travels, we were sitting at Corner Bakery in Pasadena, enjoying a yummy breakfast and chatting about upcoming plans. In between bites of our Anaheim Scramble, we were on our phones checking ticket prices, directions for our road trip, different sights to see for our vlog, as well as choosing outfits for approaching events. While I was deep in research between the different Smithsonian’s in Washington, D.C., my focus was interrupted by a sweet and joyful voice -

“Is this how the future generation does brunch these days?” an older gentleman gleefully chuckled and teased.

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A few months ago, I found myself feeling absolutely stuck. I had just lost my Grandfather, my to-do list was sky high and I had new projects I was trying to get off of the ground but was making zero progress. I knew I needed to step back and take a breather. 

Through trial and error, I discovered a few strategies that worked beautifully in helping me feel unstuck and re-inspired. Anytime I ever begin to feel stuck, I will go back to this easy game plan to get out of the ever-dreaded funk that we all go through from time to time. 

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#AskAlyssa - Travel Tips, Fitness Hacks & Balance Advice

A few months ago, I dabbled with the idea of launching an #AskAlyssa section on the blog. It has been such an extraordinary adventure connecting with so many of you through Instagram. I always find myself in these deep and meaningful conversations with you (thank you very much, DM’s) and had the realization that it would be so helpful to share these life experiences and guides right here on the blog! Navigating through life isn’t always easy but having someone who has already walked a particular path can help pave a smoother way. Welcome, my friends to #AskAlyssa!

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A few months ago, my Mom called me with some fascinating news; in partnership with Calyx Concierge, she was invited to showcase her artwork in Manhattan! My Mom, Vallerie, is a custom mandala artist and makes the most breathtaking pieces. We were very excited and my Mom asked me if I would come and handle the business end so she could focus on creating - I was in! A mother-daughter trip to NYC?? Pinch me now!

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If you clicked on this post, chances are you may be going through or thinking about a significant change in your life. Let’s face it; change is scary af. The fear of the unknown can be wildly overwhelming. ESP for us crazy Type A’s who crave certainty (heyyy). But did you know that our brains actually prefer predictable negative consequences over uncertain outcomes? Our minds want certainty and avoid uncertainty. 

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Aside from the juggernaut apps of today, (Uber, Postmates, Instagram), I wanted to share my 5 favorite apps that I use daily! Some are social media related while others are lifestyle & wellness. Here is a peek at apps I adore & what they do!

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Habits of Happy People


But how simple is it, really?

And is it even something we can look for?

Are we able to truly control it?

If you’re anything like me, leading a life filled with joy, laughter & bliss is an absolute must. No matter the situation, I always try to look at the glass as half full (and sometimes, that can be incredibly hard)! However, capturing & holding onto happiness is not something that you will magically “figure out” one day. It is a continuous practice that you must exercise.

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Ahh, CBD oil. You’ve probably heard of it or know someone who has tried it. If you haven’t, here is the skinny -

CBD oil (aka hemp oil), is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, a chemical compound that is found naturally in the cannabis plant. CBD is NOT mind altering like marijuana; in other words, CBD will NOT get you high - there is 0% THC. CBD is known to help with inflammation, arthritis, joint pain, stomach cramps, swelling, epilepsy, aches, colds, anxiety, depression, eczema, psoriasis & rashes.

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